Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Thirty-something posts and I'm still a NOOB at this

Apparently there has been some difficulty leaving comments on this blog.  The interface kept looping people around endlessly through sign-in pages, so I've made some changes to the settings. 

So that's that, hopefully it works now.  Naturally I won't know until someone tries it.  Actually, if someone tries it and it doesn't work, I still won't know.  Or if someone tries it and it works and they tell me, but don't tell me if they'd tried before and had it not work, I wouldn't know then either.  Damn, what a predicament! 

In unrelated news, here's a thing that I thought of that I hope nobody ever does to me: 

Step 1:  Replace the contents of a bottle of hand-sanitizer with contents of the left half of an epoxy syringe.  Step 2:  Replace the contents of the bottle of soap in the bathroom with the contents of the right half.
Step 3:  Wait ever so patiently. 

Here's what could happen:  Victim goes for hand sanitizer after sneezing, coughing, etc.  Goo that comes out is weird and sticky, so he heads for the bathroom to wash his hands.  He applies water, but that doesn't seem to help.  He applies soap and rubs vigorously.  This action completes the epoxy mixture which only gets thicker and thicker and more and more difficult to wash off. 

Hahaaaa.... Take that, random person! 

Here's what would actually happen:  I'd get punched in the face.  D'oh. 



Anonymous said...

random comment function seems to work...Tom

ShadowsNose said...

Thanks! That's good news!