Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Economy

Can you exist without corporations and government support?  I can't.  I need to buy groceries from the store, which gets loans from the banks, which borrows from the federal reserve, the chair-people of which somehow find the time to go on hunting expeditions to shoot wildlife, as if they couldn't afford groceries. 
I need the truckers who live on the road to bring ice cream to my local distributors.  I could make my own ice cream I suppose, but where would I get my sugar?  From bees?  I need the fishermen who pull in the nets, and the entire infrastructure that gets those fish into my freezer. 
If everyone in this town suddenly had to go out and hunt/gather  their own food the wildlife around here would be gone in a month.  We realize that I think, as a people.   
The whole federal reserve thing, it's a system that sort of works for now... we use it, it works to keep the truckers and fishermen in beer money.  If it stops working, wouldn't you think that the intelligent people who exist in the middle echelons of society, the people who actually solve the problems and do the work that keeps things happening, wouldn't they know enough to stay the course and eventually find a solution to the problem? 
Or are we really that excitable and hopeless a race of people that we'll riot at the first sign of trouble and plunge the entire system into oblivion?   
I want to get out from under that big thumb.  I don't want to depend on the system.  I want to be free!

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