Wednesday, September 14, 2011

"PunCtuation and... (wait for it) capiTalizatioN!"

Here's a thought:  What if someone went through the legal process of having the last letter of their name be a question mark?  If I were to do that, (and if my name were Dave Spaulding, for example) my name would become Dave?.  Then I could have the three suspenseful dots put at the end of my last name, so people always had to pause after they said it.  They'd introduce me as "Dave? Spaulding..." 

This next sentence would sound crazy if you didn't know about my snazzy new name spelling: 

          "Has anyone seen Dave? Spaulding... this morning?"

Punctuation is a powerful thing.  Without it all I hear in my minds ear when I read is that weird sci-fi robot voice.  All caps and no punctuation makes it sound like the robot is yelling.  Why would a robot yell?  What point could it possibly be trying to make?  Maybe it's an American robot and it's speaking to a robot that doesn't speak English.  Then it would also yell slowly, and make incomprehensible hand gestures. 

"CAN I HAVE (raises eyebrows and tilts head)... ONE ORDER OF NACHOS (draws a triangle and pretends to eat it)... AND (plus sign, as if trying to frighten off a vampire) A CHEESE DANISH (gestures towards the moon)... PLEASE?" (waves arms wildly in the air) 

That is all,

 -The ShadowsNose?

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