Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Naked People in Trees

I was watching the nature channel the other day and there was this thing on about how amazing people are in our ability to thrive just about anywhere.  One was about a tribe somewhere in the jungle that lives in these tree houses hundreds of feet off the ground.   

So if a guy wants to borrow a cup of sugar from his neighbor, he's got to climb down hundreds of feet, skip along the jungle floor for a bit and then scamper up another couple of hundred feet.  Repeat on the way back, all the while holding a measuring cup.  I can see it now...

"Baby can you run over to Frankie and Darlene's and see if they can't spare a cup of sugar?
*Groooooaaaan* "Dammit I just sat down!"
"C'mon I want to get this made before the typhoon knocks us out of here like so many ripe apples and we all plummet to our hungry deaths!"
"Fiiiiiine!  Give me a minute."

He takes off through the trapdoor in the floor, she gets distracted and sits down to watch the game.  He rolls in an hour and a half later, covered in sweat and barely breathing.  She tries to pretend she wasn't napping. 

"Where have you been?" 

He points out the window to the neighbors house, eight feet away.  Frankie sees him and waves. 

If it were me, I'd get the cup of sugar all the way back to the kitchen and then spill it and be like "DAMMIT!  Now we're gonna have ants!"

Ants are workers too, you'd better believe those little buggers would find that sugar on my kitchen floor and line right up to get a grain. 

Sometimes I suspect they film other cultures just because they know they can get away with showing them running around naked on family TV.  I recognize that as some good ol' left-over Puritan mentality there. 

We all look approximately the same naked... but it's not okay to see naked people, unless you're a certain age, or if they're from a different culture, or if you pay them (directly or through a third party). 

Cultural idiosyncrasies baby, oh yeah! 


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