Tuesday, September 13, 2011

On anonymous sensitivity, ticks, and bears.

Out of curiosity, I want to ask the anonymous Internet public at large the following question:  What is the meanest thing you can think of to say to someone, and what is the nicest? 

My prediction:  The variety would be staggering, and the most creative stuff would be mean.  Why?  Because communism didn't work.   

We're a pretty tough-skinned bunch nowadays...  pretty desensitized.  How much shock and awe can there be before it's just "yaaaawwwwwwn...whatever, butt-dumpling".  I'm just curious. 

Also, today I rediscovered that if you're working outside and someone gets a tick on them, everyone else gets the willies.  The willies last for about an hour, then there's a lull while everyone forgets for a while, then they get the willies again. 

It would be less creepy if it were bears rather than ticks that were the problem.  Here's why:  If you have a bear biting your leg just above your sock line, you know it.  It's not something you figure out after he's been munching there awhile.   


Anonymous said...

The meanest thing I can think of is telling a person that they are the cause of their troubles. We are our own worse enemy and the truth hurts...

The nicest thing I can think of is telling a person the truth. Including a possible solution to their self-created problem(s) would be nice, as well. Of course, they would have to be capable of perceiving it in a positive light...

Lizzy said...

I think the meanest thing you can say to a person is the truth. But at the same time it can be the kindest thing to say to a person. It just depends on the situation.
Example: I work with a 17 year old with the typical high school girl attitude. What I really want to say (but hopefully won't) to her is "you are not pretty enough to get away with being that bitchy" It's the truth, but it's mean.