Monday, October 10, 2011

A True Story of Tragedy and Suspense

I was floating around in a pool one time, by myself.  I wasn't dead or anything, just sort of floating around like the last Crunchberry in a bowl of milk, slowly getting a horrible sunburn.  It was very, very quiet.  I could hear the tiniest ripples striking the walls of the pool. 

It was scorching hot in the sun, so I'd floated into a little shady spot where I happened to spot a fly, stuck on its back in the water and struggling to get out.  I was just inches away. 

Not wanting him to suffer, I gave him a bit of a nudge towards the wall.  I watched him climb up, over the lip of the pool and onto the pavement. 

He slowly and carefully dried his legs and wings, got them un-stuck and got his bearings.  He shook his head, cleaned off his eyes, turned around... and walked straight back into the water.  Bloop!

I was like... "Dammit..."

So I gave him a bit of a nudge toward the wall.  He got a purchase on it, climbed out, over the lip, dried himself off... legs, wings, eyes.  It all took quite a long time.  Still too soggy to fly, apparently, he started walking along the pavement.  I floated soundlessly in the pool next to him, mesmerized by the spectacle of it, my face still just a few inches away watching his little life unfold before me. 

I saved his life twice.  By that time I felt that I had a vested interest in the affairs of this particular fly.  He and I had been through so much together!  I wonder if he was grateful? 

He never said anything.  Just walked down, turned the corner and BAM!  Got nailed by a spider.  It scared the ever-loving crap out of me.  The spider jumped him from just out of the corner of my vision, inches in front of my face; wrapped him up and hauled him off to parts unknown.

I am still emotionally scarred from that experience.  That poor unlucky bastard.


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