Monday, October 17, 2011

Strut Yer Butt, Grover

I saw a bird walking around the other day and I thought "What a waste."  Then I concluded that birds walk funny, with their heads bobbing forward and back all the time with every step.  Not all birds, probably, but this one was certainly doing it. 

It was probably a Pterodactyl, or something like that... Give me a break I'm no member in high standing (or any standing) of the Autobahn Society.  Although I do enjoy being passed at 114 miles per hour by little old ladies who give me the stink-eye as they blow by for being such a road-slug.

Holy McCrappenstein, I spelled Pterodactyl right on the first try, I'm giving myself a gold star for that one.  I'll put it on the fridge. 

Anyway that bird strut got me wondering.  Every time he takes a step does the world zoom in and then zoom back out, and if so, does he hear the Grover voice in his head saying "Near.... far!  Near... far!"? Because that's what I hear whenever I walk like that. 

Which is often. 


P.S.  Spell-check has nothing whatsoever to suggest as a replacement word for "McCrappenstein".  It didn't even try.

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