Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Giant Balls

How many folks watched the lighting of the tree in NYC tonight?  I'd say probably a lot. 

Since so many of us are (at least in the confines of our own living rooms) prone to being somewhat a touch perverted and giggle-prone, I doubt I was alone when I observed that there sure were some huge balls on the set in the background while that one guy was singing that one song. 

It begs the question:  What would people say if I put huge balls on my front lawn, you know... as Christmas ornaments?  Would people innocently admire my giant balls in the spirit of Christmas?  Would some passers-by be jealous of them because they made their own Christmas balls seem inadequate? 

Would they cause a stir?  Would they (as any attention getting obnoxious yahoo article might say) "spark outrage"? 

I imagine that if my name was, say, Wakefield... the headlines in the local newspaper might read something like this:

"Local Neighborhood Shocked and Outraged by Wakefields Huge Balls"

It's something to think about.


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