Thursday, November 17, 2011

Bear Deterrent

I've slacked a bit on my posts here lately.  I'll be back soon. 

I miss it, this is a cool place for me to brain-dump any left over creativity I might have rolling around in there at the end of the day like so many loose gumballs.  

Lately by the end of the day I've been pretty pooped and my brain starts talking to me like I was somebody else.  It's not a very long conversation. 

Brain:  "Dude..."
Me:  "What's up buddy?"
Brain:  "This is the last you'll be hearing from me tonight." 
Me:  "Why's that?"
Brain:  "....."
Me:  "Hello?"

When that happens I can sit here as long as I want and stare at the blank white screen, but nothing will come of it, so instead I just mash a few handfuls of wasabi peas into my face, pick on my guitar for a few minutes and call it a night.

The other night I dreamt about being chased through my grandmothers house by a bear.  I went out through a window and shut the window behind me... I remember wondering why I expected a window to stop a bear.  It didn't. 

Just as the bear was about to eat my face in my dream, I farted in real life and it woke me up.  That was lucky! 


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