Friday, September 16, 2011

Accidents happen.

Can I be arrested for "leaving the scene of an accident" if the accident was me crapping my pants?  In leaving, as I coolly penguin walk on out of there, am I taking the accident with me or is the "scene of the accident" defined by the place I was actually standing when the accidental crapping took place? 

These are deep thoughts, I know.

What if I accidentally left a 25% tip instead of 15% on the table at a diner, and then walked off like I'd done nothing wrong?  If it was a miscalculation on my part and later I realize that now I'm dire financial straits, am I still a bad person? 

Me:  "Oh woe be to me and my unfortunate leaving of that extra-wrinkly George Washington!  Now I can't pay my water bill and I've sure been doing a lot of laundry lately, what with me crapping my pants and all." 
Random other guy on the bus:  (bursts onto the scene with a box of powdered detergent) "Tough stains?  Blast them out with new Poo-Gone Dribble Negation Powder!  It's zesty!"
Me:  (Looking bewildered) "But I heard it caused heart palpitations in lab rats?" 
Him:  "Naaaaaah." 
Me:  "Excellent!  Poo-Gone, you're the stain blaster for me!"  (Two thumbs up)

   **Que 24-minute choreographed dance sequence involving all the bus passengers and one well behaved Schnauzer named Chorizo.**


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