Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Sometimes you see a reference about that dream people have they're you're up in front of an auditorium or some other crowd of people and suddenly realize they're not wearing any pants.

Last night I had a strange variation of that dream, where in the dream I woke up the morning after a big party, and realized that at some point I had lost my pants. Then I had to go to a funeral with no pants on, and everybody at the funeral was like "Jeez guy, can't you at least put on some damn pants?  I mean, show a little respect would you?" and everyone was sort of passive-aggressively angry at me, but nobody did anything about it so I just stood there at the wake with no pants on.

It felt breezy.    

Later in the dream I found them laying on the ground somewhere, and I was like "Oh yeah, now I remember", so I put them on.

                                       Things to wear to a funeral =  Pants

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